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Hazelwood Healing


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Hi! I am Hayley, I am a folklorist, teacher, and practitioner of Scandinavian & British Isles folk custom. I blend modern practice with traditions of old for healing, thriving, and growth. 

I place great importance on working with ancestral cultures as a means of deepening one's spiritual practice, enlivening one's relationship to nature, and connecting to the wisdom of ancestors.


I offer classes on folk tradition and folk spirituality, 1-1 healing services, mentorship, and community. My work is informed by my years of training and my research in folk archives.

Herbalist with plants

Rachel H, WI

I had the immense privilege of taking Hayley’s Thriving in the Dark Season course this past 2023-2024 winter, and I wish there were words to describe just how transformative, grounding, informative, and gift-filled our time together was as a class. Alas, there are not, but suffice it to say that Hayley is an incredible teacher and the content/ space she offers for learning is unparalleled. Hayley is a patient, kind, peaceful, and generous teacher; she crafts a learning experience that is very special, and learning about trolldom (Nordic folk magic), dedicated action, materia magica, and other cosmologies has left me far more in-tune with the seasons and my natural surroundings. I cannot say enough good things about the many and varied ways in which this course has positively impacted my life. I am so grateful to Hayley and to the other people in our class for making our time together so special!

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