​About Hayley Huston​​
Thank you for visiting my site. I hope the below information gives you an understanding of my work and path.
I am a spiritual teacher and traditional folk healer with a decade of experience and training. I am a lineage holder in the Trolldom tradition, trained by my teacher who is considered to be the foremost expert in the subject. Trolldom is the practice of Scandinavian folk spirituality and wisdom. After training with my mentor to become a professional folk healer, I then worked to become a teacher of the tradition under his guidance. There are only a few teachers of this ​tradition located in the US. I have been recognized by my colleagues and mentors in Trolldom as being gifted in working with plants and herbs. I now specialize in Lövjeri (leaf-craft), which is the practice of spiritual healing with plants.
In addition to my training in Scandinavian folk ways, I have been trained in energy healing, spirit work, shamanic healing, traditional divination, and plant spirit medicine. I have been lovingly encouraged by my teachers to share my gifts and experience with others, this is the basis on which Hazelwood Healing was created. ​I have found that working within traditional systems of healing has brought thriving and growth to my own life and I am passionate about introducing these ways to others. ​
​I have contributed to the tradition through my research in folk archives at UW-Madison Libraries. This research informs my lectures and writings on traditional folk ways. I am currently researching and writing about the seasonal folk practices of Scotland and England.
So how did I start on this path?
It is somewhat of a long and unfolding story, but I began this journey simply to heal myself of trauma I had experienced as a young adult. I did not start this work with the goal of being a teacher or a healer, but wanted to feel whole, healed, grounded, and happy. On each step of my healing journey I found the right teachers at the right time, and each of them helped me to become who I am today. I was diligent in my personal healing and was committed to integrating what I had learned from my classes. Overtime, I found that I was becoming a better person and my life became easier. Once I realized how much this work had changed my life for the better, I knew I wanted to share this benefit with others. In 2020 I found Trolldom, which I can only describe as the feeling of coming home. Since discovering this tradition, I have committed myself to learning and then teaching the tradition under my mentor's guidance. Learning traditional folk spirituality has been some of the most fulfilling work I have done and some of the most healing. I find that people who are often drawn to my work have similar life paths and goals, like wanting to heal trauma, or have a desire to work with plants, the old ways, and ancestral traditions.
As you heal yourself you heal the world around you, and as you heal the world around you, you heal yourself. We are all connected in this beautiful web of life.​
Thank you for reading about my work and path, I appreciate you being here.​​
Folk Tradition Training
Advanced Practitioner Training, January 2024-Present with Johannes Gårdbäck
Private 1-1 Teacher Training, September 2023-December 2023 with Johannes Gårdbäck
Private 1-1 Advanced Training, June 2023, Hedekas Sweden with Johannes Gårdbäck
Nordic Spirituality 18 mo Training with Johannes Gårdbäck, October 2021-April 2023
Autumn-tide in the Nordic Tradition, August 2024 with Missy M. Rhysing
Springtide in the Nordic tradition, February 2024 with Missy M. Rhysing
Jul, Sankta Lucia & the winter tide, November 2023 with Missy M. Rhysing
Volva, Vala, Norn, 9 month Advanced Practitioner course, November 2021-July 2022, with Betsy Bergstrom
Plant Spirit Medicine Training
Plant Spirit Apprenticeship, Jean Schneider December 2021 through April 2022
Plant Spirit Apprenticeship, Jean Schneider December 2020 through April 2021
Energy Work and Shamanic Healing Trainings
Energy Hygiene, April 2022, Betsy Bergstrom
Curse and Thought-form Unraveling Training, May 2021, Betsy Bergstrom
Private Apprenticeship with Jean Schneider, Summer and Fall 2020
Boundaries Protection and Clearing, Jean Schneider, March 2020
Ancestral Healing, Daniel Foor, 2020
Private trainings in spirit work with several mentors, Bozeman, MT & Madison, WI October 2015- April 2019
Divination Trainings
Year 2021, Foundational and Advanced Lenormand Class, Camelia Elias
Year 2019 Private tutor
My Teaching Experience
Perfumery and Water Magic, 3 hour workshop July 2024
Thriving in Spring, 8 week class, May 2024-June 2024
Spring Folk Magic, 2 hour workshop April 2024
Thriving in Winter, December 2023-March 2024
June 2023, Midsummer Plant Folklore walk
May 2023, Spring Plant Folklore Walk