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Hayley Huston
Teacher of Scandinavian Spirituality & Wisdom
Spiritual Healer
Hi I am Hayley Huston, proprietress of Hazelwood Healing. I am a folklorist, spiritual teacher, and healer with 10 years of experience and training. I am a lineage holder and teacher in the tradition of Trolldom, Scandinavian folk spirituality and wisdom. I specialize in Lövjeri (leaf-craft), which is the practice of spiritual healing with plants. In addition to my training in folk ways, I have also been trained in modern energy healing, plant spirit medicine, shamanic healing, and divination.
Through Hazelwood, I offer group classes in Scandinavian and British Isles spirituality and traditional folk healing. I also offer 1-1 apprenticeship programs for students to deepen their knowledge in the tradition.​
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